Rising Star Scholarship Recipients Announced at Celebrate Nonprofits Night
Rising Stars announced. . .
TANGO was proud to announce our 2022 Rising Star Scholarship Recipients at out Celebrate Nonprofits Night at the Hartford Yard Goats game on May 12th.
It was a beautiful night where we presented our awards on the field in the Pre-game ceremony. Each winner also received $7,500 to further their education which will help groom the next generation of leaders in the nonprofit sector.
TANGO would like to personally congratulate the following 2022 recipients for all the work they have currently done in their nonprofit organization and to a bright Rising Star future in the nonprofit sector!
Kelly Annelli (Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence),
Czeslaw Dzierlatka (CMHA),
Aleksandra Slaski (The Connection, Inc.),
Audrey Finlay (The Kennedy Center).
Our Rising Star Scholarship is awarded each year and we look forward to our 2023 recipients.
Learn more on how to nominate a Rising Star at our TANGO Foundation!