April 5, 2018
8:30 am - 10:30 am
(Eastern Standard Time)
Please join TANGO and their partner MFA – Moody, Famiglietti & Andronico for an
informative overview of upcoming financial reporting and tax related issues on the
horizon for nonprofit organizations.
The first presentation addresses new accounting guidance impacting the way nonprofits
present their financial information. While the new standard sets forth positive
improvements for the presentation of nonprofit financial statements, the resulting
changes will require nonprofits and their financial teams to revisit their current
operational measures and reporting procedures.
The discussion will include:
- Main provisions of ASU 2016-14: Presentation of Financial Statements for not-for-profit Entities
- Significant impacts to record-keeping and financial statement preparation
- Effective dates and best practices for transition
The second part of our session will provide insights on recently passed Federal tax reform
and its potential impact on the nonprofit sector.
Registration starts at 8:30 am, Workshop 9:00 am
The Nonprofit Center of Boston