September 28, 2017
9:00 am - 11:00 am
(Eastern Standard Time)

Join TANGO and their Partners Beacon Law Group and Tribal Vision for a FREE Educational Workshop!

TANGO is proud to offer an informative workshop on Marketing for Nonprofits in the Digital Age followed by a discussion on The Intersection of Social Media, Technology and the Employment Relationship (focusing on various legal issues). This workshop is designed to equip nonprofits with the digital knowledge and tool-kit needed to effectively promote their organizations, as well as provide nonprofit employers with an overview of the evolving legal landscape and pragmatic guidance needed to avoid potential pitfalls.

Marketing today is evolving at such a rapid pace that it’s difficult for organizations to keep up. Whether it’s a new Face Book targeting feature, a new prospecting tool or a new automation technology to remove manual inputs, the marketing ecosystem is undergoing a revolution.  This presentation is designed to equip non-profits with the digital knowledge and tool-kit needed to leverage this new frontier.

Click here to register!

Topics covered will include:

Redefining the marketing landscape

  1. Website best practices to drive conversion
  2. Building a digital marketing road map
  3. Understanding some essential digital and social tools that non-profits should be using today

The Intersection of Social Media, Technology and the Employment Relationship

Modern-day employers face a relatively new frontier of issues associated with the use of social media (both by the employer and employees) and workplace-related technology and free speech considerations.  This session is designed to provide employers with an overview of the evolving legal landscape and pragmatic guidance (including real-life examples), as follows:

  1.  Practices

–       Social media in conjunction with the hiring process and employment

–       Employee speech –11 an overview of the boundaries

–       Employee use of social media and employer technology

  1. Policies

–       Handbook policies on social media, technology and confidential information

–       Restrictive Covenant Agreements to protect confidential information, trade secrets and other business interest

  1.    Discipline – a summary of the disciplinary process


Wellesley, MA - Wellesley Free Library

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West Hartford, CT 06107


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