February 1, 2024
9:00 am - 10:30 am
(Eastern Standard Time)
Most group health plans and insurers that provide mental health benefits are subject to the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA). MHPAEA continues to be a top enforcement priority for the Department of Labor (DOL), despite some unclear requirements and barriers to compliance for employers.
In addition, recent DOL investigations have focused on employer-sponsored group term life insurance (GTLI). Whether the premium for GTLI is entirely employer-paid or employee-paid (referred to as supplemental, voluntary, or optional life polices), GTLI benefit offerings must comply with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).
Join us as we discuss compliance requirements under MHPAEA and ERISA, recent enforcement activity, and some notable litigation surrounding these popular employee benefits.
We’ll also have an open Q&A session so bring your compliance oriented questions!
Sarah E. Burns
Vice President, Benefits Compliance Counsel
Vice President, Benefits Compliance Counsel
Rollin Schuster
Managing Director, NFP
President & Founder, TANGO
Managing Director, NFP
President & Founder, TANGO
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