TANGO Member Showcase - December 2023
Harc, Inc.
Harc’s guiding principle is to ensure that people with intellectual disabilities enjoy lives of quality, inclusion, and dignity. We do this through advocacy efforts and by providing community-based services that guide the people we support along the path toward leading lives of inclusion and meaning.
Harc’s services begin at birth and continue throughout the lifespan, with a range of supportive, enrichment, employment, and residential supports throughout Greater Hartford.
Harc, Inc. provides an array of services including:
- Respite Services
- Supported Employment Program
- Life Enrichment Program / Day Programs
- Residential Support & Services
Harc consistently achieves groundbreaking strides in fostering independence for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our Supported Employment Program not only assists individuals in discovering fulfilling and engaging employment but also actively explores novel avenues for social enterprise initiatives and collaborations.
TANGO’s Impact:
Harc’s active engagement in TANGO has proven to be a driving force for cultivating valuable partnerships and connections, significantly enriching our organizational landscape. Notably, our involvement with the Women Take the Lead group and our participation in the Building Bridges Nonprofit Conference have played pivotal roles in shaping and refining our strategic initiatives for the upcoming year, 2024. These immersive experiences have not only expanded our network but also equipped us with the knowledge and insights essential for navigating the dynamic nonprofit sector.
Contact Us Today!
Harc, Inc.
900 Asylum Avenue
Hartford, CT 06105
For more information visit our Website at http://www.harc-ct.org