June 12, 2018
8:30 am - 11:00 am
(Eastern Standard Time)
This informative workshop presented by TANGO and their partner Insurance Provider
Group (IPG) will give you the opportunity to learn about a new innovative program for
organizational well-being called CareWell™.
The well-being of your staff and the people you serve is of critical importance to the
success and longevity of your organization. In this session, you will learn, and
experience, a uniq ue approach to staff, leadership and organizational well-being with a
focus on risk management.
This proprietary CareWell™ program provides training, coaching and team building to
staff within high stress, trauma-exposed workplaces. The benefit: A reduction in your
total economic cost of risk such as High Employee Turnover, Absenteeism, Workers’
Comp Claim Frequency, and Quality of Care Issues.
ACES SDA - Hamden, CT