November 16, 2017
8:30 am - 11:00 am
(Eastern Standard Time)
Please join TANGO and their partners Insource Services, Inc. and Northern Benefits of MA for an overview of two important regulatory changes on the horizon.
The first presentation addresses a part of the Baker 2018 budget plan that will include potential new fines and requirements that could impact Massachusetts employers who have employees that waive coverage on their plans and opt for Mass. Health
The second part of our session will provide an overview of the new Equal Pay Act that will go into effect in 2018 and what you can do to begin to plan for those new requirements.
We hope you can join us for this informative session!
WHEN: Thursday, November 16, 2017
TIME: 8:30 am (Registration) 9:00 am (Workshop)
WHERE: Wellesley Free Library (Wakelin Room)
530 Washington Street
Wellesley, MA
Wellesley, MA - Wellesley Free Library
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