TANGO Founder's Forum - May 2022

Rollin Schuster

Managing Director, NFP
President & Founder, TANGO

What a Night – Celebrating Nonprofits!

What a great night we had on May 12th at our annual Celebrate Nonprofits Night with TANGO and the Hartford Yard Goats.

It was a beautiful night for a Baseball game, but more importantly we gave over 850 complementary tickets to nonprofits for a night of fun and entertainment at Dunkin Donuts Park…all to celebrate TANGO and the nonprofit sector.

We also awarded our 2022 TANGO Foundation Rising Star Scholarship Awards in our pre-game on-field ceremony.  We had 4 recipients this year who were each presented with an award along with $750 which will help groom the next generation of leaders in the nonprofit sector. Congrats again to Kelly Annelli (Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence), Czeslaw Dzierlatka (CMHA), Aleksandra Slaski (The Connection, Inc.), Audrey Finlay (The Kennedy Center).  Our Rising Star Scholarship is awarded each year and we look forward to our 2023 recipients.  Learn more on how to nominate a Rising Star at our TANGO Foundation!

TANGO also was able to hand off the first pitch to Jason from The Village for Children and Families who came out on the field along with our special guest sponsors and TANGO Partners!

Aside from socializing with many of our TANGO Members, I was in the radio booth for an inning taking part in a live broadcast of the game and touting the virtues of TANGO…which you can listen to here.

I’d like to thank our Special Guest Sponsors, our socially conscious business Partners and also all nonprofits who are part of our TANGO family.

For those of you who missed it, here’s a short video of our night and we’ll be sure to meet up again in 2023!


Rollin Schuster, President & Founder of TANGO
Managing Director, NFP

Aleksandra Slaski

Czeslaw Dzierlatka

Kelly Annelli

Audrey Finlay

Celebrate Nonprofits

Jason from The Village throws out the first pitch

Rollin Schuster in the Yard Goats booth


Rollin Schuster
Managing Director, NFP
President & Founder, TANGO

Membership is complimentary to all Nonprofit organizations thanks to the generosity of our corporate partners.

With over 1,800 nonprofit organizations throughout New England, TANGO has become a powerful community helping nonprofit organizations reach their mission.

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West Hartford, CT 06107


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