TANGO Founder's Forum - August 2021

Rollin Schuster

Managing Director, NFP
President & Founder, TANGO

Summer is Winding Down:

I hope all our Members and Partners had a wonderful summer, hard to believe it’s over! As we move into the fall season we find ourselves in the midst of another wave of Covid concerns. It seems like we were almost out of the woods and unfortunately now we’re taking a step backwards. This has effected our plans for our upcoming TANGO Conference Week.

Based on safety protocols we have decided to continue with our TANGO Foundation Rising Star Golf Tournament on October 4th, we are proceeding with our virtual educational conference on October 5 and 6 but have cancelled our cocktail reception on the evening of October 6 at the YG Club in the Hartford Yard Goats Stadium.

As much as we want to see everyone in person, an indoor cocktail reception while having to wear masks doesn’t seem very appealing…when we get through this pandemic I promise that TANGO will throw a celebratory party!

On a positive note, through these summer months TANGO continues to grow. As many of you know, late last year TANGO’s founding firm The Schuster Group was acquired by NFP; one of the nations largest insurance and financial services firms. We are starting to see some results of their commitment to help TANGO expand its footprint. The New York nonprofit community has expressed interest in TANGO and we are having numerous discussions and new members join our ranks; and as we often say…”the bigger we get the more we can do to help nonprofits thrive”. NFP also owns PPI Benefit Solutions, an insurance administration firm whom we have worked with for years. Their popular Nonprofit Employee Benefits Survey is underway. We have partnered with them to get the 2021 nonprofit survey out to interested members. If you would like to know how your organization’s employee benefits stack up in the market we encourage you to participate. There is more information and a link later in our newsletter.

Lastly, I want to express my deep gratitude to our Partner Group and friends for their generous donations to our TANGO Foundation Golf Tournament; the money raised goes to support the funding of our Rising Star scholarship awards. These recipients have been nominated by their nonprofit employers as “rising stars” deserving of a financial investment in their professional development and education. There is still time to nominate a rising star for 2021, just go to our website. Simply put, we are trying to help groom the next generation of nonprofit leadership.

Stay healthy and I look forward to virtually connecting with many of you at our conference in October.


Rollin Schuster
Managing Director, NFP
President & Founder, The Alliance for Nonprofit Growth and Opportunity, Inc. (TANGO)
CT Office: 135 South Road
Farmington Ct 06032
RI Office: 600 Putnam Pike
Greenville, RI 02828
Office: 800-388-9771 x102
Cell: 860-559-0697

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Rollin Schuster
Managing Director, NFP
President & Founder, TANGO

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