Nonprofit Board Management Training Boot Camp
Modern nonprofit organizations are as complex to operate as any business. This program is designed to groom individuals for board of directors and management positions at nonprofit organizations and to enhance the skills of those already serving at this level.
The boot camp is a crash-course based on the material contained in The TANGO Nonprofit Method textbook. It will be presented in two, one hour and fifteen-minute on-line sessions which include an open question and answer segment.
In addition to the sessions, you will receive a copy of the TANGO Nonprofit Method textbook ($100 value) and access to the on-line presentations that accompany the textbook before the bootcamp begins, all for $199.00. Reading the text and viewing the slides in advance will further enhance your boot camp experience.
Join a Session Today!
Boot Camp Sessions Overview
Session One (75 Minutes)
Introductory Material
- The depth and breadth of our material and how to use the textbook and the online content
- Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector as such
- Nonprofits are corporations
- How are they formed? The essential documents and governance mechanisms (the Board of Directors) of nonprofits
The Board of Directors
- The Board in context and as the top of the chain of command
- How Directors are elected
- Directors terms of office
- The importance of board diversity
- The essential distinction between the Board and management
- Board of Director meetings
- Procedural and process requirements
- The substantive fiduciary duties of care and loyalty
- Review case study related to material
- Question and answer session
Session Two (75 Minutes)
Advanced Material
- Demystifying the Tax Rules
- An overview of tax exemptions, deductions, and finances
- Different types of nonprofit money
- The essential role of the external independent auditor
- Overview of consolidated groups of nonprofits and how nonprofits can merge or affiliate
- Review case study related to material
- Question and answer session
“This book is an invaluable resource for officers, directors and senior leaders of nonprofit organizations of all sizes and types. Written in plain English, the book educates the reader about the business of nonprofits — the legal structures, the financial structures and governance — and provides examples and case studies that put the material in context. A must-read for anyone new serving on a nonprofit board”.
Jack Horak, Esq.
The Alliance for Non-Profit Growth and Opportunity (TANGO)
Contact Jack – 860-507-8902 or via email
John M. Horak, Esq. (Jack) joined TANGO in 2016 after a 36-year legal career at the Hartford office of the law firm Reid and Riege, P.C. Jack was a member of the firm’s Business Law Practice, where he created the firm’s Nonprofit Organization Practice Group. Jack was the principal author of the Reid and Riege Nonprofit Organization Report, a quarterly publication distributed throughout the United States.
The content in this manual is an articulation of the practical knowledge gained from 36 years of legal representation of, and board service to, nonprofit organizations; and, perhaps more importantly, is infused with the belief that the American nonprofit sector is as vitally important to our lives as it is sometimes, and unfortunately, underappreciated.
“I envision this book sitting on the desk of every nonprofit leader; and I envision this being the cornerstone for all onboarding of future leaders and advisors. This is going to become the gold standard against which all nonprofit training will be measured”.
“The TANGO Nonprofit Method is a beautiful balancing act. Comprehensive and accessible. Educational and practical. Whether you are a seasoned professional advisor or just starting your first term as a nonprofit director, this work will quickly become your “go to” resource, a guide that will cultivate a deep and rewarding understanding of the nonprofit sector.”
The TANGO Nonprofit Method
Jack used his 36 years of combined legal experience in both the for-profit and nonprofit sectors to author The TANGO Nonprofit Method. The book accompanied by interactive presentations is a nonprofit instructional guide that will enhance your organization’s mission and structure. It will guide nonprofits through best practices for your boards of directors, management teams, employees, clients and overall company mission!
“The TANGO Nonprofit Method is a necessary resource for all existing or newly formed nonprofit organizations. An essential tool for both staff and board members that is easy to read and reference. I would recommend to all nonprofit executive directors to further enhance their board education efforts as it can be easily sectioned and included as a regular meeting agenda item.”