Best Practices For Working with a Not-for-profit Board of Directors

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    In addition to understanding Board roles and responsibilities’, you will learn how to effectively communicate with your board. In this session, we will navigate the board dynamics, their fiscal responsibilities and gain insight into board collaboration.

    Franklin Pierce Univerity logo
    Franklin Pierce University is an accredited private not for profit university in New Hampshire that achieves outstanding student success through the integration of liberal arts and professional programs. The University includes a 1,200-acre residential campus in Rindge, N.H, as well as academic centers in Manchester, Lebanon and Goodyear, Ariz. Students earn degrees through the doctoral level in classroom-based and online programs. Franklin Pierce is a NCAA Division II institution, with 24 varsity athletic teams for men and women.

    We offer highly personalized, financially accessible academic programs in person and online that develop essential professional skills, promote close community connections, and help students realize their potential to become engaged and qualified leaders.

    View exclusive offerings from FPU to TANGO Members

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