Jack's Journal - August 2020

Operating a Nonprofit like a Business Enterprise – an interview with Raymond Gorman of Community Mental Health Affiliates

Jack Horak
Director of Nonprofit Education & Consulting

As TANGO’S members and followers recognize we advocate the adoption of appropriate businesslike principles and practices by nonprofit boards of directors and management teams.

The TANGO Nonprofit Method by Jack Horak - guidebook for nonprofit organization successIn my July Tango Trends column I took up the topic in the form of an Interview with Jimmy Larose of the National Association of Nonprofit Organizations and executives click here to view video. I have also discussed these concepts at TANGO annual meetings and in prior editions of this newsletter .

In this month’s issue of TANGO Trends, I am continuing with the business practices theme, but in the context of a large Connecticut nonprofit social services agency that attributes its success to its adopting practices of this type.

Below is my 15-minute video interview with the Chief Executive Officer (Ray Gorman) of New Britain CT based Community Mental Health Affiliates. Ray’s comments speak for themselves and I recommend them highly to our members and our readers.

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On Oct. 14th Jack Horak discussed a new wave of thought called “stakeholder capitalism,” which injects some fundamentally new DNA into corporate America by requiring governing boards, for the first time, to consider social justice as they make their business decisions, even if doing so lessens shareholder profits.


Jack Horak
Director of Nonprofit Education & Consulting

TANGO – The Alliance for Nonprofit Growth & Opportunity
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